zulmat\-kade me.n mere shab\-e\-Gam kaa josh hai - - Rafi
- Movie: non-Film
- Singer(s): Mohammad Rafi
- Music Director: Khaiyyam
- Lyricist: Ghalib
- Actors/Actresses:
- Year/Decade: unknown
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% Song Courtesy: http://www.indianscreen.com % Credits: Afzal A Khan % Normally, each sher in a ghazal has little or no connection % with others. But this ghazal is a very notable exception. % Here, not only does a single theme run throughout the % ghazal, but there are seven shers which are called % "qit'a~baNd", i.e. having a common link. The ghazal has % a total of 13 shers. "Zulmat~kade men mere..." is the % first sher or the "matla'". Including the "matla'", % there are five shers that precede the "qit'a". Ghazal - % singers usually include only the "matla'" along with some % shers from the "qit'a" in their renditions. "DaaGH-e- % firaaq......" is the last sher in the "qit'a", and % "Aate haiN GHaib se....." following immediately afterwards % is the last sher or the "maqta'". The "qit'a" begins % with "Ai taaza~waardaan-e-......". % % In the "qit'a", Ghalib has painted a wonderful picture of % the transient nature of this world and its delights.