tuu jahaa.N mile mujhe
- Movie: Doosri Sita
- Singer(s): Asha Bhonsle, Nitin Mukesh
- Music Director: R D Burman
- Lyricist: Gulzar
- Actors/Actresses: Romesh Sharma, Jaya Bhaduri, A K Hangal, Lalita Pawar
- Year/Decade: 1974, 1970s
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% Transliterator: Surajit A. Bose % Date: February 14, 2002 % Comments: Asha and Nitin sing tandem versions of the song. % The NM version has only the 1st and 3rd stanzas. % The "palakon ki chaanv tale" stanza can be found % in the video of the movie (Asha version only).