najuumi huu.N mai.n ... mubaarak ho ... chhamaa\-chham sonaa\-chaa.Ndii ... ye hai qismat kaa nazaraanaa
- Movie: Inaam
- Singer(s): Chorus, Suraiyya, Male Voice
- Music Director: S N Tripathi
- Lyricist: Raja Mehdi Ali Khan
- Actors/Actresses: Yaqub, Suraiyya, Mukri, Pratima Devi, Kammo, Bimla Kumari, Naasir
- Year/Decade: 1955, 1950s
View: Plain Text, हिंदी Unicode,

% 1. kosh mentions a prelude "najuumi huu.N mai.n qismat kaa likha" % which is not in the version I have. % 2. kosh mentions Suraiya, Chorus as singers, but there is also a % ##Male Voice## uttering the comments attributed.