najar kaa waar thaa ... najariyaa kii maarii
- Movie: Pakeezah
- Singer(s): Rajkumari
- Music Director: Naushad
- Lyricist: Traditional
- Actors/Actresses: Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar, Meena Kumari
- Year/Decade: 1971, 1970s
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हाँ हाँ
नजर का वार था दिल की तड़प ने छोल दी
चली थी बरछि किसी पर किसी को आन लगी
हो नजरिया की मारी
नजरिया की मारी मरी मोरी गुइयाँ -७
कोई जरा जा के बैध बुलाओ -२
आ के धरे मोरे नारी
हाय राम आ के धरे मोरी नारी
नजरिया की मारी मरी मोरी गुइयाँ -७
% During the decade long shooting of this film, after the demise % of Ghulam Mohammed, Naushad has composed the remaining % scores of this film including three classical songs which play % in the background at several places. % Only mukha.Daa plays when girls are doing riyaaz. % Saahebjaan (Meena Kumari)'s aunty (Veena)'s sister informs % her about the purchase of Gulaabii mahal. Thenafter, % Meena and Nadira (Gauharjaan) go outing, and then % "Thaa.De rahiyo" begins.