najar kaa waar thaa ... najariyaa kii maarii
- Movie: Pakeezah
- Singer(s): Rajkumari
- Music Director: Naushad
- Lyricist: Traditional
- Actors/Actresses: Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar, Meena Kumari
- Year/Decade: 1971, 1970s
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% During the decade long shooting of this film, after the demise % of Ghulam Mohammed, Naushad has composed the remaining % scores of this film including three classical songs which play % in the background at several places. % Only mukha.Daa plays when girls are doing riyaaz. % Saahebjaan (Meena Kumari)'s aunty (Veena)'s sister informs % her about the purchase of Gulaabii mahal. Thenafter, % Meena and Nadira (Gauharjaan) go outing, and then % "Thaa.De rahiyo" begins.