more man kii nagariyaa basaaii re
- Movie: Kanchan
- Singer(s): Leela Chitnis, Muzumdar
- Music Director: Gyan Dutt
- Lyricist: Gyan Dutt
- Actors/Actresses: Pramila, Arun, Leela Chitnis
- Year/Decade: 1941, 1940s
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% Date : 13 February 2004 % Credits : Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz' % Kamalakar Pasupuleti % Comments : Geetanjali Series. % Film - ka.nchan / kanchan. Chitra Productions. % The song is wrongly attributed to Parul Ghosh and % Leela Chitnis in HFGK. There is only one female % voice in it. The male voice is Muzumdar's. % The film Kanchan also features the first ever % film-song composed by Naushad : 'bata do sakhi kaun % gali gaye shyam'; but it was released an year after % Prem Nagar (1940), Naushad's first film as sole MD. % Naushad's song is quite pedestrian.