meraa bholaa saa balamaa re
- Movie: Khamosh Sipahi
- Singer(s): Rajkumari, Lalita Dewoolkar
- Music Director: Khurshid Anwar
- Lyricist: D N Madhok
- Actors/Actresses: Nigar, David, Sohan Gop
- Year/Decade: 1950, 1950s
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% Credits: Irfan % Song Courtesy: % Kosh mentions Hansraj Behl as the sole MD for the film. % There are two songs in Khamosh Sipahi which were composed % by Khurshid Anwar. This song and "kehdo kali kali badali % daraaye na" (Geeta and Surinder Kaur). % Both these songs were recorded by KA for film Mehfil, which % never started. When Madhok produced and Directed Khamosh % Sipahi he included these songs in this film. % Khamosh Sipahi thus has 11 songs. % KA used the tune of this song in Pakistani film Haveli (1964) . % The records of these song bear the name of KA as Composer