man moraa baawaraa nis\-din gaae giit milan ke
- Movie: Raagini
- Singer(s): Mohammad Rafi
- Music Director: O P Nayyar
- Lyricist: Jaan Nisar Akhtar
- Actors/Actresses: Ashok Kumar, Ragini, Kishore Kumar
- Year/Decade: 1958, 1950s
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आ आ...
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
निस दिन गाए, गीत मिलन के -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
आशाओं के दीप जलाके -२
बैठी कबसे आँख लगाके -२
आया प्रीतम प्यारा -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
निस दिन गाए, गीत मिलन के -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
मन मन्दिर में श्याम विराजे -२
चुन चुन मोरी पायल बाजे -२
कैसा जादू डारा
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
निस दिन गाए, गीत मिलन के -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
निस दिन गाए, गीत मिलन के -२
मन मोरा बाँवरा -२
% Transliterator: Rajiv Shridhar ( % Date: Wed Aug 9, 1995 % Credits: Rajan Parrikar % Ashok Dhareshwar % Editor: Rajiv Shridhar ( % Comments: % Before we have a new ( old ) argument from the Rafian club claiming, % 'See KK could not sing classical, so they had to get Rafi'.... % Let me repeat, what I read in a magazine.. % In late 50s and early 60s, Kishore was so busy with his acting % career and signing films left & right, that sometimes he did not have % time to record his own songs, so the producers had to get Rafi to sing % some of his songs :)... % The scene opens with Kishore singing with Tanpura & Ragini just % sitting & watching him.