ghuu.NghaT paT naahii kholuu.N
- Movie: Bharthari
- Singer(s): Jahanara Kajjan
- Music Director: Khemchand Prakash
- Lyricist: Pt Indra
- Actors/Actresses: Surendra, Sulochana Chaterjee, Arun, Mumtaz Shanti, Jahanara Kajjan
- Year/Decade: 1944, 1940s
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% Date : 29 February 2004 % Credits : Har Mandir Singh, Sanjeev Ramabhadran % Comments : GEETanjali Series % The OTHER Song Theme : The song is set to Chautaal, % the OTHER, rarely heard, taal in film songs. % This Dhrupad composition is in Mishra Kafi. % Film - Bharthari (sic). Prod - Naveen Pictures. % Dir - Chaturbhuj Doshi.