aaye aaye hai.n sapane me.n hamaare wo
- Movie: Bachchon Kaa Khel
- Singer(s): Naseem Akhtar
- Music Director: C Ramchandra
- Lyricist: Mukhram Sharma
- Actors/Actresses: Meena Kumari, Baby Shakuntala, N Kabir
- Year/Decade: 1946, 1940s
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% Date: 15 jan 2004 % Credits: Kamalakar Pasupuleti, Surjit Singh % Comments: Geetanjali Series % film - 'bachcho.n kaa khel' % RamaNiik Productions, Mumbai. Dir - Raja Nene % The singer is not Anuradha though that name is % listed in the Geet Kosh.