aapake bhiige hue ... aapake paas jo aaegaa
- Movie: Kaajal
- Singer(s): Mahendra Kapoor
- Music Director: Ravi
- Lyricist: Sahir Ludhianvi
- Actors/Actresses: Dharmendra, Meena Kumari, Raj Kumar
- Year/Decade: 1965, 1960s
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% Transliterator: Rajiv Shridhar (rajiv@hendrix.coe.neu.edu) % Date: Sun Jul 9, 1995 % Comments: Pankha Road se Pintu Diwana [38] % (RJGK 22) % A slow, very intoxicating song. MK has done more than justice % to this. His whispering voice is too much. You can literally % feel the heat melting the candle. % [Note: some words are spoken differently in the song than in % prose, e.g. "jisam", "hoNT", which is prose they are "jism", % "hoTh"]